VY Timeline
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2004 Timeline
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This list since September of 2004, compiled from newspaper accounts, includes many of the accidents, legal events and other Yankee news broken down by year. Click on the year in the box to the right to see incidents and events for that year. You may use a field search [Ctrl F on PC] to look for a topic in that year. For example, click on 2012, search “thermal pollution.”
This is not a list of citizens’ actions. Please visit our Action Center for current and past actions.
KEY DATES [in progress…]
1963 VT utilities CVPS, Green Mtn Power and regional allies propose nuclear reactor to be built by 1970 for $88 million, with rate projection of .05/kWh. The project was approved by one vote in the VT Legislature.
11.30.1972 VT Yankee opens, owned by a consortium of state and regional utilities, at a cost of $215 million and rates of .265/kWh.
2002: Sale of VT Yankee to Entergy Corp. for $180 million is approved by VT’s Public Service Board (PSB).
2003: Entergy applies to PSB for 20% power increase (uprate).
2005: Act 74 passed by VT legislature, approving on-site waste storage through March 2012 and creating the Clean Energy Development Fund.
May 2006: Legislature passes Act 160.
August 2007: Cooling Tower Collapse. “Hot” shipment that left VY four times more radioactive than allowable federal limits
2008: Cracks in steam dryer. Crane drops spent fuel. New cooling tower leaks found. Radiation leaks forces evacuation of workers (twice).
2009: Tritium leaks begin (January) and continue throughout the year. Public Oversight Panel established to provide independent study to the State.
February 24, 2010: Vermont Senate votes 26-4 against recommending that the Public Service Board act on Vermont Yankee’s request for a 20-year extension of its license to operate
2010: Tritium leaks continue. PSB says Entergy officials lied under oath to the PSB as well as to Public Service Dept, the Public Oversight panel, to the legislature and to the public. Entergy attempts to “spin off” Northeast reactors. Radioactive isotopes found in river, fish.
March 2011: the Nuclear Regulatory Commission grants VT Yankee a 20-year license extension (ten days after the Fukushima meltdowns begin).
April 2011: Entergy sues Vermont over Act 160.
09.12-15.2011: Entergy v. Vermont trial is held in Federal Court in Brattleboro before Judge J. Garvan Murtha.
01.12.2012: US District Court strikes down ACT 160 while affirming the PSB role in the licensing process.
02.2012: Entergy files a motion in federal court to require the State of Vermont pay Entergy’s $4.6 million in legal fees for its lawsuit against the state.
03.22.2012: Vermont Yankee’s Certificate of Public Good expires. 1500 people march in Brattleboro, 143 arrested. Entergy refuses to pay into Clean Energy Development Fund because CPG expired.
9.11.2012: Entergy sues Vermont claiming Act 143 (which taxes large power producers) violates Commerce Clause and Supremacy Clause of US Constitution. Suit dismissed 10.25.2012; Entergy appeals January 2013.
01.03.2013: A report by UBS Securities recommends that Entergy retire Vermont Yankee and FitzPatrick, its two smallest reactors, to help alleviate cash flow problems.
04.25.13: Entergy sues Vermont claiming the state has delayed approval of a back-up generator, seeking an injunction saying federal law trumps state law.
08.06.13: Entergy and Green Mtn. Power Corp. settle $6.6 million lawsuit over cooling tower collapse. GMP had sued Entergy for increased power costs due to the partial collapse of Vermont Yankee’s cooling towers in 2007 and again in 2008.
08.11.13 NRC accepts a 2.206 petition filed in March by four anti-nuclear groups. NRC will investigate Entergy finances to determine if it can safely operate and maintain Vermont Yankee, Pilgrim in Massachusetts and the FitzPatrick reactors in New York.
08.14.13 Federal Court of Appeals decision on Entergy v. State of Vermont: (1) Act 74 and Act 160 are federally preempted; (2) VT Public Service Board may proceed with their role in the permit process; (3) VT does not have to pay Entergy for its legal fees related to the federal case.
08.27.2013: Entergy announces it will close Vermont Yankee in late 2014.
12.23.2013: Entergy and VT Dept. of Public Service announce a “Settlement Agreement”and MOU which closes all pending law suits and requires the Public Service Board to grant a Certificate of Public Good by March 31, 2014.
03.28.2014: VT Public Service Board grants Entergy a Certificate of Public Good to operate through December 31, 2014, ending the re-licensing process which began in 2008. (March 28 is also 35th anniversary of Three Mile Island meltdown).
10.13.2014: ANR gives Energy VT Yankee thermal discharge permit pending since 2005.
10.17.2014: Entergy releases site assessment for decommissioning, waste management and site restoration. $1.24 billion total = $817M for Decomm after SAFSTOR til 2040+;
$368M Spent fuel management by 2020s; $57M Site restoration.